Netflix and Red Chillies Entertainment have announced an exciting new project, set to release in 2025. Produced by Gauri Khan, the series marks Aryan Khan’s debut as a creator and director. The news was revealed at an event in Los Angeles, hosted by Netflix’s Chief Content Officer, Bela Bajaria, where upcoming international titles were showcased.
How Is Aryan Khan’s Debut as Creator and Director Shaping This Unique Project?
This untitled series offers a multi-genre narrative set in the glamorous yet challenging world of Bollywood. It follows the journey of an ambitious outsider navigating the highs and lows of the film industry. Packed with humor, drama, blockbuster cameos, and larger-than-life characters, it promises a tongue-in-cheek take on Indian cinema, blending entertainment with wit.
This will be the sixth collaboration between Netflix and Red Chillies Entertainment, after successes like Darlings and Bard of Blood. Shah Rukh Khan expressed his excitement, describing the series as a heartfelt project driven by Aryan Khan’s creative vision. Monika Shergill of Netflix India praised Aryan’s bold storytelling and shared the anticipation for this one-of-a-kind venture.
As anticipation builds, fans can look forward to this ambitious take on Bollywood, streaming exclusively on Netflix in 2025.