The Telugu crime drama Lucky Baskhar, starring Dulquer Salmaan and Meenakshi Chaudhary, is expected to make its OTT debut on Netflix. The film, which was released in theaters on October 31, 2024, during Diwali, has garnered positive responses and performed well at the box office, earning over ₹36 crore globally within its initial days. The tentative OTT release date is set for November 30, 2024, though official confirmation is awaited from the filmmakers.
Directed by Venky Atluri and produced by Sithara Entertainments, the film is a gripping story set in the 1980s. It follows the journey of a middle-class banker who resorts to money laundering to escape financial struggles but gets caught in a web of dangerous conflicts. Dulquer Salmaan’s portrayal of this complex character has been highly praised, adding to the movie’s popularity.
With its engaging plot and stellar performances, Lucky Baskhar has captivated audiences. The digital release on Netflix is highly anticipated, offering those who missed the theatrical experience a chance to watch this intriguing drama from the comfort of their homes.