Indian Grandmaster Vidit Gujrathi has announced the exciting news of his upcoming marriage, sharing a heartwarming post on Instagram. The post, featuring him and his fiancée holding a sign that read “We Decided on Forever,” was captioned with a playful note: “Not accepting rishtas anymore, it’s official now! ♥️ Getting married soon! :)” This joyous revelation delighted his fans and brought an outpouring of congratulations from the chess community and beyond.
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The news of Vidit’s marriage also became a fun topic during a live stream of the World Championship match between Gukesh and Ding Liren on ChessBase India. Samay Raina, the popular chess comedian, brought his signature humor to the occasion, joking, “This is closing for Vidit and opening for Gukesh,” a witty remark about Vidit’s marriage and the rise of Gukesh as a chess powerhouse. His comment left co-commentators Tania Sachdeva and Sahil Tickoo, along with viewers, laughing out loud.
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Tania Sachdeva, a close friend and fellow chess personality, shared her heartfelt wishes for Vidit during the stream, expressing, “He truly deserves all the happiness in the world.” Her genuine words added an emotional touch, balancing the humor-filled atmosphere created by Samay’s jokes. The camaraderie among the commentators, coupled with their admiration for Vidit, made the stream a delightful mix of chess insights and lighthearted banter.
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Vidit’s announcement has not only been a moment of personal celebration but has also showcased the supportive and fun-loving spirit of the chess community. From fans to fellow players, everyone has joined in congratulating the Grandmaster as he steps into this beautiful new chapter of his life.