Overview: Ajayante Randam Moshanam (ARM) is an action-packed adventure film starring Tovino Thomas in a unique triple role. Directed by Jithin Laal, this movie blends Kerala’s folklore with an engaging treasure hunt across three generations. Thomas plays three characters—Kunjikelu, Maniyan, and Ajayan—each with a strong link to a mystical treasure in the village of Haripuram. Each character embodies different qualities like courage, resilience, and justice, creating a layered storyline that ties past and present.
- Title: Ajayante Randam Moshanam (ARM)
- Language: Malayalam
- Release Date: September 12, 2024
- Director: Jithin Laal
- Cast: Tovino Thomas, Krithi Shetty, Aishwarya Lakshmi, Surabhi Lakshmi, Basil Joseph, Rohini, Harish Uthaman, Nisthar Sait, Jagadish, Pramod Shetty
- Music Director: Dhibu Ninan Thomas
- OTT Platform: Disney+ Hotstar
- Filmywiz Rating: 3.5/5
- Link: Trailer
Story and Themes: The plot follows each generation as they face their own challenges, touching on important issues like caste oppression. Through beautiful visuals and magical realism, ARM weaves folklore and fantasy, creating a captivating atmosphere. Jomon T. John’s cinematography and Dhibu Ninan Thomas’s music enhance the movie, making the setting and visuals immersive. While the 3D effects are impressive, the screenplay sometimes feels fragmented, especially in the development of character relationships. The female characters, particularly those played by Aishwarya Lakshmi and Surabhi Lakshmi, are not as deeply connected to the central plot, missing some emotional resonance.
Performances: Tovino Thomas shines in each of his roles, showcasing his versatility and charisma, which help hold the movie’s different timelines together. His portrayal of the three characters, especially Maniyan—the clever thief—is a highlight. In supporting roles, Surabhi Lakshmi, Rohini Molleti, and Basil Joseph (who adds a comic touch) contribute well. Surabhi Lakshmi, as Maniyan’s wife, makes a notable impact even with limited screen time.
- Tovino Thomas’s Performance: In his 50th film, Thomas delivers a powerful performance in three different roles.
- Visuals and Music: Stunning cinematography and engaging music make the movie visually appealing.
- Supportive Cast: Surabhi Lakshmi and Basil Joseph’s performances add depth to the story.
- Screenplay and Execution: The story could have been more engaging with a tighter screenplay. Some parts feel predictable.
- Underdeveloped Roles: Krithi Shetty’s character feels underutilized, and some of her scenes lack depth.
- Dubbed Version Quality: The Telugu dubbing could be improved, with some translations missing accuracy.
Verdict: Ajayante Randam Moshanam is a visually appealing film that combines myth, action, and drama. Tovino Thomas’s performance across three generations is captivating, and the unique story keeps viewers engaged. While romance and songs are limited, the film offers an entertaining experience for fans of action-adventure movies with a cultural twist.