Hrithik Roshan recently shared a nostalgic post on Instagram, recounting his experiences as a 17-year-old assistant director on the iconic film Karan Arjun. Alongside rare behind-the-scenes photos with Salman Khan and Shah Rukh Khan, he revealed how much he learned from observing the superstars in action. Hrithik humorously mentioned how he looked like a “young Kabir” standing between the two heroes, highlighting the innocence and excitement of his early days in the film industry.
One amusing memory Hrithik shared was about the pre-release screening at Minerva Theatre. The screen appeared dark and dull, prompting him and his team to clean it thoroughly. As they scrubbed off 15 years of grime, the screen’s transformation brought clarity to the film’s visuals, showcasing the team’s dedication. This anecdote perfectly captures the passion and hard work that went into making the film shine on the big screen.
Another fascinating story involved Shah Rukh and Salman deciding to spontaneously drive from Sariska to Delhi during the shoot of Bhangda Paale. Hrithik, determined to ensure the shoot went as planned, literally jumped onto the car’s bonnet to stop them. His commitment to his father, director Rakesh Roshan, and the project demonstrates his early understanding of responsibility in filmmaking.
As Karan Arjun returns to theatres for a re-release, these stories remind fans of the magic and camaraderie behind the film. Hrithik’s experiences, filled with humor and lessons, offer a unique perspective on the making of a Bollywood classic and his journey as an eager learner on set.